BMW NotecardsSeries 1 Enthusiast
5 in. x 7 in. |
Klaus Schnitzer, who is well-known for his exquisite photography both in the art world and on the BMW race circuit, has brought together a selection of five stunning images of classic and current BMW automobiles that is sure to please enthusiasts everywhere. This set of twenty (20) glossy, four-color notecards (four each of five images) includes:
- The gorgeous, shark-like 507
- The sleek 3 Series convertible
- The sporty new Z3 Roadster
- The lightweight racing M3 in chequered-flag trim
- The all-time favorite, classic 328
These beautiful cards are folded, with the inside left blank for personal messages, and come with 20 envelopes for mailing. No true BMW fan will want to be without Enthusiast's Favorites, the perfect way to express your devotion to this incredible marque.
ISBN: 0-8376-0211-4 (ISBN-10)
ISBN: 978-0-8376-0211-0 (ISBN-13)
Permalink: http://www.bentleypublishers.com/c/GBN1