Volkswagen GTI, Golf, Jetta
Service Manual: 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992
Price: $139.95
Volkswagen GTI, Golf, Jetta Service Manual: 1985-1992
Volkswagen repair manual index:
Subjects are indexed by section number, followed by page number(s) within the section where the subject can be found. For example 1:4 refers to section 1 FUNDAMENTALS, page 4.
see Anti-lock braking system
Accelerator cable
automatic transmission
see Automatic transmission
manual transmission
see Fuel system, diesel or Fuel system, gasoline
see Cooling system
Air conditioning
compressor 13:40
general description 13:4
inspections and tests 13:41
performance test 13:42
refrigerant charge checking 13:41
safety features 13:4
system description 13:40
technical data (summary) 13:42
Air filter
see Filters
see Wheels, tires and alignment
Alternator and voltage regulator
brushes and voltage regulator 14:13
fundamentals 1:11
noisy alternator 14:13
removing and installing alternator and voltage regulator 14:13
testing 14:12
Antenna 13:8
see Cooling system
Anti-lock braking system (ABS) 12:6
bleeding brakes 12:14
components 12:19
fundamentals 1:11
fuses and relays 12:19
hydraulic modulator 12:7
removing and installing 12:19
troubleshooting 12:10
wheel speed sensors 12:6,19
see Automatic transmission fluid
ATF pump
see Automatic transmission
Automatic shift lock
see Automatic transmission
Automatic transmission
accelerator and throttle cables 10:12
adjusting 10:13
ATF pump 10:5
automatic shift lock 10:10, 14
adjusting 10:14
control cables, removing and installing 10:12
controls 10:10
diagnostic tests 10:9
pressure test 10:10
stall speed test 10:9
external adjustments 10:13
final drive 10:6
general description 10:4
hydraulic controls 10:6
identification codes and
specifications 10:6
maintenance 10:6
oil seals 10:18
drive flange oil seals 10:19
torque converter oil seal 10:18
planetary gear system 10:5
selector lever cable 10:12
adjusting 10:13
specifications 10:20
stall speed 10:9
technical data (summary) 10:20
tightening torques 10:20
torque converter 10:5
transaxle assembly 10:15
removing and installing 10:15
troubleshooting 10:7
2nd gear brake band adjusting 10:15
Automatic transmission fluid
checking and filling 2:27
draining and replacing 2:27
Ball joints
see Suspension
Battery 14:4, 9
charging 2:20, 14:10
checking 2:19
cleaning 2:19
fundamentals 1:11
hydrometer testing 14:9
load voltage testing 14:10
open-circuit voltage test 14:10
replacing 2:20
specific gravity of electrolyte
at 80°F (27°C) 14:10
testing 14:9
troubleshooting 14:7
assembly materials 13:40
removing and installing 13:34
central locking system
see Central locking system
doors 13:21
assembly 13:22
front body 13:31
grille, removing 13:31
fundamentals 1:4
general description 13:4
handles and locks 13:23
headliner 13:20
hood lock cable 13:35
maintenance 13:5
plastic bumper cover
removing 13:35
rear lid and hatchback 13:36
trim, removing and installing 13:33
Body, interior
instrument cluster 13:4
instrument panel 13:4
see Lights, interior maintenance 13:5
seat belts
see Seat belts seats
see Seats, trim 13:22
troubleshooting 13:5
Bolt tightening torque
fundamentals 1:14
Brake fluid
see Brakes
Brake lights
see Lights, exterior
ABS, see Anti-lock braking system anti-lock brakes
see Anti-lock braking system
applications and identification 12:7
bleeding 12:14
brake lines 12:4
diagnostic tests 12:9
disc brakes
see Brakes, rear disc
or Brakes, front disc
drum brakes
see Brakes, rear drum dual-diagonal braking system
description 12:4
fluid 2:11, 12:14
replacing 12:16
flushing 12:16
fundamentals 1:10
general description 12:4
maintenance 12:7
master cylinder 12:4
removing and installing 12:17
noise 12:9
parking brakes 12:4
pressure regulator description 12:4
testing 12:18
proportioning valves
description 12:4
pressure testing 12:18
technical data (summary) 12:37
tightening torques 12:37
tolerances 12:37
troubleshooting 12:7
vacuum booster 12:4
removing and installing 12:18
wear limits 12:37
Brakes, front disc 12:4, 20
calipers 12:25 pad wear
checking 12:22 pads
removing and installing (all except 16V models) 12:22
16V models (up to 1988) 12:22
16V (from 1989) 12:23
reconditioning 12:22
rotors, removing, reconditioning and installing 12:24
Brakes, rear disc 12:30
calipers 12:36
pad wear
checking 12:30
removing and installing
(to early 1988) 12:31
(from late 1988) 12:32
parking brake 12:34
adjusting 12:35
replacing cable 12:35
reconditioning 12:30
rotors, removing, reconditioning, and installing 12:34
Brakes, rear drum 12:4, 25
lining wear
checking 12:27
parking brake 12:29
adjusting 12:29
replacing cables 12:30
reconditioning 12:27, 29
removing and installing 12:27
wheel cylinder
inspecting and replacing 12:29
Bumpers see Body
see Wheels, tires, alignment
axial play 3:26
drive belt
gasoline engines 3:12
diesel engines 6:14
oil seal 3:14
removing and installing 3:18
Cam followers
adjusting (early turbo diesel only) 3:16
hydraulic 3:19
Catalytic converter
see Exhaust system
Central locking system 13:25,14:29
bi-pressure pump 13:26
door activators 13:26
gas tank flap activator 13:27
rear lid activator 13:26
troubleshooting 13:25
Child restraint tethering see Seat belts
CIS (continuous injection system) air flow measurement and fuel metering 5:34
air flow sensor 5:34
applications-identifying features 5:5
auxiliary air regulator 5:41
cold running enrichment 5:39
cold start enrichment 5:37
control pressure regulator
testing and replacing 5:39
fuel distributor 5:35
fuel injectors
see Fuel injectors fuel pressure
control pressure 5:44
residual pressure 5:45
system pressure 5:43
tests and specifications 5:42
general description 5:4
idle air bypass adjustment 5:40
idle specifications (rpm and % CO) 5:45
idle speed 5:39
idle speed boost valve 5:42
throttle valve basic adjustment 5:34
troubleshooting 5:6
CIS-Electronic (CIS-E) and CIS-E Motronic 5:46
air flow measurement and fuel metering 5:47
basic adjustments 5:49
air flow sensor 5:49
applications-identifying features 5:5
cold start enrichment 5:55
diaphragm pressure regulator 5:23
differential pressure regulator 5:54
electrical tests, CIS-E 5:61
after-start and cold running
enrichment 5:61
cold acceleration enrichment 5:62
control unit inputs 5:63
deceleration fuel shutoff 5:63
full-throttle enrichment 5:63
electrical tests, CIS-E Motronic 5:65
after-start, warm-up and cold
acceleration enrichment 5:65
air flow sensor potentiometer 5:67
control unit inputs 5:67
coolant temperature sensor 5:66
deceleration fuel shut-off 5:66
fault diagnosis
CIS-E Motronic 5:11
fuel distributor 5:51
fuel injectors
see Fuel injectors
fuel pressure tests and specifications 5:69
general description 5:4
idle air bypass adjusting 5:58
idle air stabilizer valve 5:59
duty cycle, adjusting 5:59
idle speed
adjusting 5:57
specifications 5:72, 5:87
throttle switches 5:48
throttle valve basic adjustment 5:47
troubleshooting 5:7
fundamentals 1:14
see also Manual transmission and clutch fundamentals 1:8
Cold start system (diesel) 6:13
Cold start valve (gasoline)
see listing for appropriate fuel system
Compression test 2:18
Constant velocity (CV) joints
see Suspension
Continuous injection system
see CIS or CIS-Electronic (CIS-E) and CIS-E Motronic
Coolant temperature warning light
see Emergencies
Cooling system
anti-freeze-to-water proportions 4:7
coolant 2:11
level, checking 2:22
draining and filling 4:7
coolant pump 4:4
inspecting and replacing 4:9
diagnostic tests 4:5
fundamentals 1:6
general description 4:4
inspecting 2:22
maintenance 4:4
pressure testing 4:5
radiator 4:4
removing and installing 4:12
radiator cooling fan 4:4, 10
after-run system 4:11
fan, testing 4:10
removing and installing 4:11
switching temperatures 4:10
thermoswitch, testing 4:10
service 4:6
technical data (summary) 4:12
temperature gauge and sending unit quick-check 4:6
thermostat 4:4
removing and installing 4:8
testing 4:8
tightening torques 4:12
troubleshooting 4:4
Cruise control 14:30
troubleshooting 14:32
Current flow diagrams
general description 15:6
how to read 14:5
index of 15:1
symbols used in 15:7
terminal and circuit identification 14:6
see listings for individual
components and systems fuel filter, draining 2:19
fuel water separator 2:18
glow plug system
general description 8:5
relay, checking 8:30
glow plugs, testing and replacing 8:29
voltage checks 8:30
see Turbocharger
Diesel injection pump
see Fuel system, diesel
see Manual transmission and clutch
Digifant I engine management system air flow sensor 5:88
cold-start and cold running
enrichment 5:88
coolant temperature sensor 5:88
electrical tests 5:90
fault diagnosis 5:86
fuel injectors
electrical tests 5:90
see also Fuel injectors
fuel pressure tests and specifications 5:91
general description 5:5
idle air stabilizer valve 5:88
idle mixture (% CO)
specifications 5:89
idle speed
specifications 5:89
intake air preheat system 5:88
oxygen sensor system, testing 7:19
pressure regulator, replacing 5:83
technical data (summary) 5:94
throttle valve basic adjustment 5:88
throttle valve vacuum hoses 5:88
troubleshooting 5:14
Digifant II engine management system air flow sensor 5:75
cold start and cold running enrichment 5:77
coolant temperature sensor 5:77
electrical tests 5:80
fault diagnosis (California only) 5:85
fuel injectors
see Fuel injectors
fuel pressure tests and specifications 5:82
full-throttle switch 5:80
general description 5:5
idle air stabilizer valve 5:79
idle switch 5:80
idle mixture specifications (% CO) 5:83
idle speed 5:78
intake air preheat system 5:77
oxygen sensor system, testing 7:19
pressure regulator
replacing 5:83
technical data (summary) 5:87
throttle valve
basic adjustment 5:76
idle and full-throttle switches 5:80
troubleshooting 5:14
see Brakes, front disc
or Brakes, rear disc
Distributor, fuel
see CIS or CIS-Electronic (CIS-E) and CIS-E Motronic
Distributor, ignition
see Ignition system
see Body
Drivetrain fundamentals 1:7
see also Manual transmission and clutch
Dual-diagonal braking system
see Brakes
ECO diesel
see listings for individual components and systems
see Exhaust gas recirculation system
Electrical system
air conditioning 14:27, 28
see Alternator battery
see Battery
charging system 14:11
see also Alternator
circuit numbering, DIN standard 14:7
current drain testing 14:12
defogger, rear window 14:28
fresh air blower 14:27
fundamentals 1:11
fuse/relay panel
see Fuse/relay panel
general description 14:4
heating and ventilation 14:4, 27
ignition (diesel glow plugs)
see Diesel ignition (gasoline)
see Ignition system maintenance 14:5
power windows 14:30
rear window defogger 14:28
see Alternator relays
see Fuse/Relay panel starter 14:4
starting system
see Starting system terminal numbering 14:7
troubleshooting 14:5
voltage regulator
see Alternator
Electrical testing
fundamentals 1:16
see also Electrical system
Electrical wiring diagrams
see Current flow diagrams
Emergencies 1:25
car will not start 1:26
coolant temperature warning light
overheating 1:27
dim lights 1:27
see Engine and transaxle assembly codes, identification 3:6
connecting rods 3:36
crankshaft and intermediate shaft 3:38
oil seal, front, replacing 3:35
cylinder block and pistons 3:34
disassembly, assembly, and reconditioning 3:35
intermediate shaft oil seal replacing 3:35
oil seals 3:17, 35
oil spray nozzles
see Lubrication system
cylinder head 3:11
cover and gasket 3:12
disassembly, assembly, and reconditioning 3:22
general description 3:4, 5
removing and installing 3:21
cylinder head assembly
diesel and turbo diesel 3:25
gasoline except 16-valve 3:23
16-valve 3:23
diagnostic testing 3:10
compression test 3:10
leak-down test 3:11
wet compression test
(gasoline engines only) 3:11
drive plate 3:40
flywheel 3:40
fundamentals 1:4,5
hydraulic cam followers 3:19
checking 3:19
identification codes and specifications 3:6
lubrication system
see Lubrication system maintenance 2:4, 3:7
oil and oil filter 2:4, 2:12
changing 2:13
specifications 2:11
oil spray nozzles
see Lubrication system pistons 3:36
specifications 3:37, 38, 44, 45
piston rings 3:37
see Engine and transaxle assembly tightening torques 3:44
troubleshooting 3:7
valve adjustment (1985-1986 diesel and turbo diesel only) 2:19, 3:16
clearance specifications 3:17
see also Cam followers valve guides 3:26
valve seat dimensions
diesel and turbo diesel 3:29
gasoline except 16-valve 3:28
16-valve 3:29
valve seats 3:27
valve stem oil seals 3:20
valve train
general description 3:4, 5, 6
valves and valve springs 3:26
Engine and transaxle assembly 3:29
aligning 3:34
installing 3:33
removing 3:29
separating 3:32
Engine code
see Engine
Exhaust gas recirculation system 2:18, 7:21
testing 7:21
Exhaust system and emission controls catalytic converter 7:12
checking 7:14
ECO diesel 7:4
heat shield, replacing 7:14
removing and installing 7:14
exhaust system 7:7
installing 7:12
removing 7:11
front pipe spring clamps
removing and installing 7:11
fundamentals 1:7
general description 7:4
identification 7:5
maintenance 7:5
oxygen sensor
see Oxygen sensor system technical data (summary) 7:27
tightening torques 7:27
troubleshooting 7:5
air 2:14, 5:4
diesel 6:4
diesel fuel 2:17
fuel, gasoline 2:16, 17
oil 2:13
Final drive
fundamentals 1:8
see also Manual transmission and clutch
Fuel filter
see Filters
Fuel injectors
CIS, CIS-E and CIS-E Motronic 5:27
cleaning and testing 5:29
fuel delivery, testing 5:28
quick-checking 5:28
removing and installing 5:27
Diesel, ECO diesel, turbo diesel 6:22
checking fuel supply to 6:6
inspecting and repairing 6:23
pressure testing 6:22
removing and installing 6:22
Digifant II, Digifant 15:30
removing and installing 5:31
testing 5:30
Fuel system, diesel
accelerator cable 6:12
checking and adjusting 6:13
replacing 6:12
air filter
see Filters
altitude and load compensation 6:17
applications and identification codes 6:4
boost enrichment (turbo diesel) 6:24
camshaft/injection pump drive belt see Camshaft, drive belt
cold start system 6:13
diagnostic testing 6:6
emission controls 6:4
fuel filter
see Filters
fuel gauge sender 6:9
fuel injection 6:10
fuel supply 6:8
fuel tank vents 6:9
fundamentals 1:6
general description 6:4
idle speed, checking/adjusting without idle speed boost (1985) 6:10
with idle speed boost
(from 1986) 6:11
injection pump 6:17
drive belt
see Camshaft, drive belt removing and installing 6:17
stop solenoid 6:20,21
timing, checking and adjusting 6:19
valves 6:21
see Fuel injectors maintenance 6:4
maximum rpm, checking and adjusting 6:10, 12
stop solenoid 6:20, 21
tightening torques 6:24
troubleshooting 6:4
idle speed drop test 6:7
see Turbocharger
Fuel system, gasoline
accelerator cable 5:26
air filter
see Filters
applications-identifying features 5:5
charcoal canister bypass valve, testing (CIS, CIS-E, Digifant) 5:25
charcoal canister solenoid valves testing (CIS-E Motronic) 5:25
see CIS (continuous injection system)
CIS-E and CIS-E Motronic
see CIS- Electronic and CIS-E Motronic
Digifant II, see Digifant ll engine management system
evaporative emission controls 5:23
fuel filter see Filters
fuel injectors
see Fuel injectors fuel pump, main 5:18
circuit, description of 5:4
check valve, replacing 5:22
electrical tests 5:20
operating for test (engine not running) 5:16
replacing 5:21
fuel pump, transfer 5:17
fuel supply 5:15
fuses and relays 5:16
gasoline additive 2:12
general description 5:4
identifying 5:5
see Fuel injectors maintenance 5:6
pressure relief valve (CIS) 5:23
technical data (summary) 5:87
transfer pump 5:17
troubleshooting 5:7
Fundamentals 1:12
Fuse/Relay panel
diagrams, locations 14:33
Gas tank flap activator
see Central locking system
Gasoline fuel system
see Fuel system, gasoline
see Instruments
Gear ratios
see Manual transmission and clutch
Gear shift
see Manual transmission and clutch
Glow plugs
see Diesel
specifications 2:12
see Body
see Lights, exterior
Heated seats
see Seats
Heater and controls
with air conditioning 13:12
general description 13:4
control head 13:14
fresh air blower 13:14
heater core 13:12
vacuum system checking 13:12
without air conditioning 13:10
fresh air blower 13:12
general description 13:4
heater control cables 13:11
heater core 13:10
system test 13:13
Hood lock cable
see Body
Horns 14:25
Ignition switch 14:27
Ignition system
coil, testing 8:9, 12
coil with power stage, testing
CIS-E Motronic 8:13
Digifant 18:15
distributor 8:26
cap, replacing 8:27
disassembling and assembling 8:29
removing and installing 8:28
fundamentals 1:6
general description 8:4
glow plugs
see Diesel
Hall sender, testing
CIS, CIS-E 8:11, 12
CIS-E Motronic 8:13,14
Digifant 18:15
inspection 8:9
knock sensor
see Knock sensor system maintenance 8:6
quick-check 8:7
rotor, distributor
removing and installing 8:26
spark plugs 2:15
spark plug wires
removing and installing 8:27
replacing 8:27
testing 8:9
system identification-applications 8:5
technical data (summary) 8:31
test equipment 8:7
transistorized coil ignition (TCI-h) 8:16
electronic timing advance (TCI-h with knock control) 8:21
ignition timing 8:19
mechanical timing advance 8:21
timing advance, checking 8:22
troubleshooting 8:6
Injection pump
see Fuel system, diesel
see Fuel Injectors
Instrument cluster
see Body, interior
Instruments 14:16
instrument cluster and gauges
troubleshooting 14:16
light emitting diodes (LEDs) and bulbs, testing/replacing 14:18
multifunction indicator, testing 14:21
upshift indicator 14:19
voltage stabilizer 14:18
Jacking 1:13
Jump-starting 1:26
Knock sensor system
general description 8:4
knock sensor
checking and replacing 8:22
system fault diagnosis
CIS-E, CIS-E Motronic 8:22
Digifant 15:86
technical data (summary) 8:31
CIS-E, CIS-E Motronic 8:22
Digifant 15:86
wiring tests 8:23
Leak-down test
see Engine
see Instruments
LED test light 1:17
see Cam followers
Lifting the car 1:13
Lights, exterior
back-up lights 14:27
brake lights 14:26
headlights 13:29,14:26
aiming 13:30
parking, taillights, side marker lights, and license plate lights 14:26
side marker and front turn signal lights 13:31
taillight assembly 13:30
troubleshooting 14:26
turn signals and emergency flashers 14:26
Lights, interior
bulb list 13:9
bulbs, replacing 13:9
Lubrication and maintenance 2:1
fundamentals 1:12
Lubrication system 3:41
fundamentals 1:7
oil cooler 3:43
oil pressure warning system
checking 3:41, 42,14:20
general description 3:4
oil pump 3:42
oil spray nozzles 3:43
Maintenance 2:1
fundamentals 1:12
Manual transmission and clutch 1
3rd gear end play, adjusting 9:29
5th gear, removing and installing 9:24
bearings and races 9:34
clutch 9:4, 11
adjustment 2:23, 9:12
cable 9:11
removing and installing 9:13
tolerances, wear limits and settings 9:44
diagnostic tests 9:6
differential pinion gears and side gears 9:40
bearings and races 9:41
disassembly and assembly 9:22
final drive 9:38
bearings, adjusting 9:42
bearing turning torque 9:44
gear oil 2:11
gear ratios 9:44
gear train, disassembly and assembly 9:30
general description 9:4
identification codes and specifications 9:5
main shaft and pinion shaft, removing and installing 9:26
maintenance 9:6
pinion shaft bearings
adjusting 9:36
turning torque 9:44
shift lever and shift rod, removing and installing 9:10
shift mechanism 9:8
adjustment 9:8
disassembling, assembling, and adjusting 9:8
synchronizers 9:32
wear specifications 9:44
technical data (summary) 9:43
tightening torques 9:43
external adjustments 9:16
general description 9:5
oil seals 9:16
removing and installing 9:20
troubleshooting 9:6
Master cylinder
see Brakes
see Instruments
Mirrors, side 13:27
electric/heated outside 14:29
see CIS-Electronic (CIS-E) and Motronic
Multifunction indicator
see Instruments
Oil change, engine
see Engine
Oil, engine
specifications 2:10
Oil filter
see Filters
Oil pressure warning light 1:27
see also Lubrication system
Oil pump
see Lubrication system
see Emergencies
OXS warning light counter, resetting 2:23
Oxygen sensor system (CIS)
circuits troubleshooting 7:17
control unit checking 7:16
control unit response, checking 7:18
duty cycle, measuring 7:15
frequency valve, checking 7:16
technical data (summary) 7:27
testing 7:15, 16,17
thermoswitch, checking 7:15
oxygen sensor
replacing 7:19
testing 7:18
technical data (summary) 7:27
Oxygen sensor system (CIS-E Motronic)
oxygen sensor
control unit response, checking 7:20
replacing 7:21
testing 7:20
technical data (summary) 7:27
Oxygen sensor system (Digifant)
oxygen sensor
replacing 7:20
testing 7:19
Parking brake
see Brakes
Parts, buying 1:17
genuine Volkswagen 1:17
non-returnable 1:18
Volkswagen remanufactured 1:18
Pistons, pins
see Engine
Power steering
see Steering
Power windows 13:23
see also Electrical system
see Cooling system
Radio 13:8
see also Antenna
Rotor, disc brake
see Brakes, front disc
or Brakes, rear disc
Rotor, ignition
see Ignition
Safety fundamentals 1:12
fundamentals 1:15
Seat belts 13:14
child restraint tethering 13:18
front seat belt height adjustment 13:17
front 13:18
heated 13:19,14:29
rear 13:20
Shift lock
see Automatic transmission
Shock absorbers
see Suspension
Side marker lights
see Lights, exterior
Spare parts kit 1:28
Spark plugs 2:15
see also Ignition system
Speedometer cable/drive gear, removing and installing 13:8
Starter/Starting system 14:14
solenoid switch, removing and installing 14:15
starter bushing, replacing (manual transmission) 14:16
troubleshooting 14:14
Steering 11:31
adjusting 11:37
fundamentals 1:9
general description 11:5
ignition/steering lock cylinder
replacing 11:34
inspection and testing 11:8
maintenance 11:6
manual steering rack, centering 11:36
power-assisted steering 11:38
pressure testing 11:40
power steering fluid
draining and filling 11:39
specifications 2:12
steering column 11:32
steering column switches 14:27
removing and installing 11:33
steering gear and tie rods 11:34
inner tie rod boots replacing 11:35
tie rod ends inspecting 11:34
steering gearbox, removing and installing 11:37
steering wheel, removing and installing 11:32
technical data (summary) 11:40
tie rods, replacing and adjusting 11:35
troubleshooting 11:6, 8
vibration 11:8
see Suspension
Sunroof 13:37
adjusting 13:38
rear guides with cables, removing and installing 13:39
removing and installing 13:37
axle beam, rear 11:29
bushings, replacing 11:30
ball joints 11:19
bearings and bushings 11:20
constant velocity (CV) joints 11:13
disassembling and inspecting 11:16 removing and installing 11:14
control arm bushings 11:24
drive axles
fundamentals 1:9
removing and installing 11:14
vibration damper, removing and installing 11:19
front suspension 11:4, 11
general description 11:4
subframe mounting, repairing 11:25
wheel bearing housings, removing and installing 11:20
fundamentals 1:9
inspection and testing 11:8
maintenance 11:6
rear suspension 11:5, 25
removing and installing 11:29
shock absorbers and springs, rear 11:25
removing and installing 11:26
shock absorbers and struts, front 11:11
checking 11:12
disassembling/assembling 11:13
removing and installing 11:12
troubleshooting 11:6
wheel bearings, rear 11:27
adjusting 11:29
see Lights, exterior
Test light 1:17, 23
see Cooling system
Throttle cable
automatic transmission
see Automatic transmission
manual transmission
see Fuel system, gasoline
or Fuel system, diesel
Tie rods
see Steering
camshaft and valves
see Engine
diesel injection pump
see Fuel system, diesel
see Ignition
Timing light 1:22
Tires, changing
see Emergencies
see also Wheels, tires, alignment
Tools 1:19
basic tool requirements 1:19
jack stands 1:21
oil change equipment 1:22
test light 1:23
torque wrench 1:22
Volkswagen special tools 1:24
volt-ohm meter or multimeter 1:23
Torque converter fundamentals 1:8
see also Automatic transmission
Towing 1:27
Transfer pump
see Fuel system, gasoline
see Manual transmission and clutch or Manual transmission
fundamentals 1:12
running, driving 1:25
starting 1:24
see also listings for individual components and systems
Tune-up 2:4
Turbocharger 7:24
blow-off valve, testing 7:25
boost enrichment 6:24
general description 7:4
technical data (summary) 7:27
wastegate, testing 7:25
Turbo diesel
see Fuel system, diesel
Turn signals
see Lights, exterior
Upshift indicator
see Instruments
Vacuum brake booster 12:4
V-Belts 2:20
replacing 2:21
see Engine
Vehicle Identification Number 1:18
see Heater and controls
see Vehicle Identification Number
Warning lights, troubleshooting 14:11
Wheel alignment
see Wheels, tires, alignment
Wheel bearings
see Suspension
Wheels, tires, alignment 11:8
alignment 11:9
adjustments 11:10
specifications 11:11
tire inflation pressure 2:23
wheels and tires 11:8
winter tires 11:9
Windows, power
see Power windows
Windshield 13:37
Wipers and washers 14:21
intermittent wiper relay, testing 14:23
rear wiper motor
removing and installing 14:24
testing 14:22
switch testing 14:23
troubleshooting 14:22
windshield wiper motor and linkage 14:23
testing 14:22
Wire repairs fundamentals 1:15
see also Electrical system
Wiring diagrams
see Current flow diagrams
Wiring harness and circuits fundamentals 1:11
see also Electrical system